Request New Service

Request New Service

We're Happy to Help

If you're interested in obtaining electrical service at your home or business, please call our Customer Relations Center. Our Customer Service Representatives will be happy to help you obtain new service or disconnect an existing service. Find out more about a  poly-phase line extension.

Residential service: 800.750.4000

Commercial / Industrial service: 800.565.3181 

New Service Coordinator for Single-Phase Customers

Our team of New Service Coordinators will serve as liaisons between you, a single-phase customer, establishing new service and the Central Maine Power. From working with contractors, to navigating the many forms and permits required for establishing service, the New Service Coordinators will be here for you to ensure you have all the help you need through the entire new service process.  

Your Service Coordinator will be in contact within 2 business days from the date your request for service is created. Your Service Coordinator will provide you with their contact information as well as:

  • Review your proposed work and set expectations for process and time frames
  • Discuss any forms or permits required
  • Discuss billing and payment process (if applicable)
  • Discuss any other questions you may have

The Service Coordinator will also continue to monitor your job and interact with you until your service is energized.

Installation Checklists

Whether you're installing a new permanent, temporary, or privately built line, please make sure you review all the steps in the new installation process with our convenient checklists.

Forms and Permits

If you need to get new service established at your home or business, we have forms and resources that will be helpful to get you connected or reconnected. 

Getting Connected

Our packet of checklists, forms, and other resources will walk you through the process of installing new electric service. 

Quick Links

Additional Information

Get connected with our New Installation FAQs

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In order for our line worker to correctly attach the cable from the pole to your cable, at least 24" of cable should be extending out of the weatherhead.

You are responsible for having the hook installed in a solid framing member to provide the proper clearances for the cable over roads, driveways, lawns, or other surfaces. The hook is used to attach the cable from the pole to the building. The hook should be located below the service weatherhead not more than 24 inches away.

If the pipe of your mast is more than 30" above the roof, it must be supported with a guy wire. This wire is used to offset the pull from the weight of the cable coming in from the pole. Often the weight of this cable gets very heavy with standing ice and snow and could cause the mast to bend.

A teardrop-shaped ground clamp is used. The two piece "water pipe" type clamp is not allowed because it will break too easily when exposed to damage and is not rated for direct burial in the ground.

Yes, this wire needs to be placed inside a piece of conduit or attached to the building. This will prevent the wire from being caught up on something passing by and being torn out of the meter enclosure or off the ground rod.

We follow the National Electric Code and require a mast kit to have conduit a minimum of 2" in diameter for services less than 100'. For service drops longer than 100' a 2-1/2" minimum conduit is required.

Only the screw holes at the corners of the meter enclosure should be used for attachment. If the holes in the center of the meter enclosure are used, they cannot easily be removed once the wires are run and energized. They may need to be removed in the future to float the meter enclosure for a siding job.

It is required that both ends of the threaded piece of conduit be bonded with a bonding bushing.

We along with the National Electric Code do not allow more than one wire under each lug. This often results in an unsecured connection that could cause a fire. We often find old meter enclosures with the ground and neutral wires under the same lug since these older enclosures do not have a separate lug for each wire. Newer enclosures are equipped with separate lugs for the ground and neutral wires.

Stainless steel or galvanized screws are recommended to ensure sturdy attachment of the meter enclosure to the backboard.

Galvanized or stainless steel screws with adequate head size are required. Black sheet rock screws with washers are not acceptable.

The meter enclosure is mounted on a backboard that is fastened to the pole. The backboard must be stained, painted or pressure-treated to preserve the wood.

Often a total change will be necessary to comply with the National Electric Code. The smallest size service allowed for a residence is 100 amps. Many homes with older services will only handle 60 amps or less. The entrance wires to these services are not able to handle the increased amperage of the new service. This will require the entire service to be changed.

This is very important! These forms must be returned to us prior to your service being energized. Failure to return all forms may cause delays in getting your service energized.

The National Electric Code and CMP require that the wire from the meter enclosure be put into the panel box as soon as possible once the wire enters the house. This wire is not protected by a breaker or fuse and could possibly get very hot in the event of a problem with the inside wiring. This could possibly cause a fire. In order to have the panel box located further inside the home, a disconnect can be mounted on the outside of the home by the meter enclosure.

In services where the main disconnect is located outside by the meter, it is required that a wire of the proper size with four conductors be run to the panel box instead of a wire with only three wires as in the case when running directly from the meter enclosure to the main breaker inside the panel box. This additional wire is used to continue the ground connection from the outside disconnect into the panel box.

The customer-owned service pole must be properly anchored and a guy wire installed to hold the pole in place when we connect a service cable to it. The anchor must be 10 feet minimum or 1/3 the height of the pole away from the pole and in line with our pole and service cable. We can install the customer provided guy wire.

NO, the trailer pole must be fully pressure-treated, or an untreated cedar pole stripped of all bark. It must have a minimum diameter of 8" at the base and 6" at the top. A 6" x 6" pressure-treated timber is also acceptable.

The anchor needs to be directly behind the customer-owned service pole in line with the pole that we will run a service cable from.

Yes, a grounding clamp, commonly known as a gedney clamp, is attached to the conduit to bond the conduit to the ground rod.

The materials supplied by the customer for the pole end of the service are:

  • 1 10' section of rigid steel, steel IMC or (schedule 80 PVC if conduit is 3" in diameter or less) 
  • 2 to 3 10' sections of schedule 40 rated for outdoor use PVC conduit Size depends on size of service conductors 
  • 6 to 8 2-hole conduit straps (3 per conduit) 
  • 12 to 16 5/16" 1" x 3" lag bolts (2 per conduit strap) 
  • 1 can of expanding foam or weatherhead 
  • 1 steel to PVC conduit adapter 
  • 1 plastic bushing 
  • 1 threaded / non-threaded coupling or insulated bushing 
  • 1 Gedney clamp 
  • 1 conduit ground connector made of either copper alloy or galvanized steel. If running a continuous conduit a steel elbow is required instead of a bushing.
  • PVC cement 

These materials must be on site at the time of the meter inspection.

A 4" x 6" (minimum) pressure-treated timber, usually 10 feet in length, is installed 4 feet minimum into the ground leaving 5 feet out of the ground to mount the meter enclosure and disconnect on.

Yes, our standards require stand-off brackets be used to attach the new conduit to the pole whenever there is an existing conduit on the pole. The stand-off brackets keep the conduit off the face of the pole. This is necessary for situations where our lineworkers would need to climb the pole. Too many conduits on the pole would leave no room for their feet to safely climb the pole.

Yes, you may legally work on your own residential service. If it is a business establishment, the work must be done by a licensed electrician and would require a permit from the authority having jurisdiction (the state or local inspector). The state will only issue an electrical permit to a licensed electrician.

Yes, please call us at 800.750.4000 (for residential) or 800.565.3181 (for commercial/industrial) 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and ask that an electrical representative meet you on site to discuss your relocation.

A municipal electrical permit may be required if your town has its own electrical inspector. In all other towns, a state permit is required for relocation of the service at business establishments but not for residences. The state will only issue an electrical permit to a licensed electrician.

Yes, a representative should check the location prior to doing the actual work. This is true even if the service is going in the same place as the existing one. Often new regulations have been passed since the time the existing service was built. Once that existing service is altered, any new regulations apply to the new service.

When you or your electrician call us, your account number or the model of the meter and meter number needs to be provided. The meter number is an eight-digit number usually found on the face of the meter. This will help us to identify the exact location.

We recommend that you first set up an appointment to schedule a representative to disconnect the power to your service. Most upgrades should be done with our personnel and an electrical contractor at the site location as designated by appointment. We can provide a Handbook of Standard Requirements for Electrical Service and Meter Installations.

Yes, if your town has a municipal electrical inspector they will want to inspect the upgrade. Multiple meter situations and business upgrades will require a state permit for towns that do not have a municipal electrical inspector.

No, the National Electric Code (NEC) requires that the meter enclosure, service cable and weatherhead all be rated the same; both inside at the switch and outside at the metering equipment.

Yes, business upgrades of greater than 400 amps must involve an Energy Services Advisor. Usually, load requirements need to be checked and matched up to ensure that our equipment can meet the service requirements. When you call us we will transfer you to the appropriate advisor for your area.

Yes, a representative can float your meter enclosure upon request. Please call 800.750.4000 (for residential) or 800.565.3181 (for commercial/industrial).

If we only have to install a service cable, the temporary service fee is $312.00. If a transformer that will not be used for the permanent service needs to be installed, the fee is $448.00. You will also be responsible for any fees that an electrician charges for the construction of the actual temporary service.

On your first electricity delivery service bill, you will be charged $12.00 for a standard wireless meter or $35.00 for a non-standard meter.

A representative will assess your situation to see if we need to install a pole and will advise you of any associated costs. There may be other charges depending on the distance between poles.

A field representative needs to determine the location of the meter.

In order to determine pole locations, your driveway needs to be roughed in and the site of your building, septic and well staked out. You will also need to speak with a Customer Representative to establish a new billing account and to schedule an appointment for you to meet on site with a representative. Our field representatives are often scheduled weeks ahead of time so please keep this in mind and call ahead.

Yes, if you wish to install an underground service cable. You can have your contractor supply and install the cable. If you do this, you will be responsible for maintaining the underground cable. 

You are responsible for the excavating and back filling of the trench, and for providing the conduit and hardware for the riser pole. If that nearest pole is on the opposite side of the road from your new building, we may have to install a pole to cross the road overhead before you can go underground with your service cable. A road-crossing pole may involve additional charges to you.

Before anything specific can be done on your project, please call us at 800.750.4000 (for residential) or 800.565.3181 (for commercial/industrial) to set up a new account. For a more specific estimate, an appointment will be set up for you to meet with a representative at the site.

If yes, customer owned underground service, you, the customer, will be responsible for obtaining necessary rights from the landowner. CMP will not request evidence of your rights prior to energizing your service. However, if CMP receives legal notice that your line trespasses over the land of another, CMP may be required to deenergize your line. It is in your best interest to obtain legal rights in advance of your line being energized.
If yes, overhead service drop, you will need to have the abutting landowner(s) complete an easement information worksheet for CMP to prepare an aerial easement. If an easement is not obtained you may be required to show proof of land ownership, pay to have the installed line relocated or CMP may be required to deenergize your line.
If your service will not cross the land of another, CMP does not require an easement from you, the customer, for a service only (customer owned underground service or overhead service drop). Your permission is implied.

Before you request your service be disconnected or relocated, you should do your research. If your service drop crosses the land of another and is removed (coiled back to the pole) or changes the current path for any reason and there’s no easement on record from the landowner, you will be required to obtain a new easement for CMP before it will replace the service drop and energize the line. It is in your best interest to research or ask for an easement in advance.

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