Choose a Supplier

Choose a Supplier

Your electricity bill has two parts: delivery and supply. CMP is your electricity delivery company; we maintain wires and poles, read your meter and restore power during an outage.

CMP Vice President of Customer Service, Linda Ball explains the rates on your bill in this video


You can choose who supplies the electricity delivered to you by CMP. Competitive electricity providers (CEPs or suppliers) supply power to Maine homes and businesses. CMP is required by statute to include the supply charges on your electricity bill and to pass your payments on to suppliers.

If you do not choose a CEP, your supply will be provided by the Standard Offer, which is determined by the MPUC through an annual competitive bidding process.


Standard Offer

Customers may choose to purchase energy from the Standard Offer or may choose to purchase energy from an approved CEP. Any customer who does not choose a CEP will default to Standard Offer service.


Shop for a competitive electricity provider

For a list of licensed providers, please visit the MPUC website or call the Maine Public Utilities Commission at 207.287.3831, see the Office of the Public Advocate (OPA) website, or contact the OPA at 207.624.3687.

Please note: if you wish to make a payment directly to your CEP, please send a separate payment to their address. Please do not include it in your return envelope to CMP.

Thanks to your smart meter, you may also provide suppliers a view of your hourly usage by enrolling in the Electricity Supplier Marketplace. Licensed electricity suppliers may use that information to offer you pricing plans and programs customized for the way you use electricity.

CMP is prohibited by law from recommending suppliers or Competitive Energy Providers (CEPs) to customers. If you choose to shop for a supplier, we suggest you should understand the terms of the contract with the supplier you choose, including the rate per kWh, when and by how much the rate is subject to change, and how long you are committing to purchase from the supplier. For additional considerations when choosing a supplier, visit the MPUC website.


Illustration of the relationship of electricity generators to the transmission and delivery to your home or business.

This drawing above illustrates the Maine electric delivery system.


Additional Information

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These classifications are based on the level of peak demand for electricity. This rate classification can be found on the first page of your bill. Small customers (SGS) that have demand of less than 20 kilowatts (kW) and they do not pay a demand charge. Medium customers (MGS) have demands between 20 kW and 400, while large (IGS & LGS) customers have demands greater than 400 kW. Both medium and large customers pay demand charges.

Details on these prices can be found on the MPUC website at these links for medium and large customers, which vary by month.

Details on these prices can be found on the MPUC website at these links for residential and small business customers.

The Maine PUC registers and maintains a list of energy providers. Customers can contact the PUC by phone at 207-287-3831, or online at Maine PUC.

The Maine Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) accepts bids from competitive electricity suppliers to supply Standard Offer service for our customers who have not designated a competitive electricity supplier.

The Maine law that created electric competition on March 1, 2000, provides that any customer who does not designate a Competitive Electricity Provider for their electric-energy supply will receive Standard Offer service arranged by the state.

Under terms of the law, we no longer sell electricity. We deliver electricity, maintaining and operating the more than 150 substations and 20,000-plus circuit-miles of power lines required to perform that service.

Electric bills now reflect separate charges for our delivery service, and for each customer's electricity supplier, whether a competitive provider or the Standard Offer. Combining supply and delivery charges on the same bill was determined to be a more convenient option for customers, rather than sending two bills for each month’s service. We will forward the payment for the supply charges to the appropriate supplier.

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