

The Maine public Utilities Commission has approved changes to the residential Rate A rate effective January 1, 2025. 

  August 1, 2024 January 1, 2025
Service Charge $26.60 $27.37
kWh Charge $0.108980 $0.128030


The MPUC announced that the Standard Offer electricity supply rates for residential and small businesses has decreased from $0.106363 per kWh to $0.106128 per kWh effective January 1, 2025.

  July 1, 2024 January 1, 2025
kWh Charge $0.106363 $0.106128


More Information 

To learn more about a particular rate, download a PDF description of its availability and charges.

Rate (Rate Code)


Rate Tariff Index Rate Tariff Index
A Residential Service
A-ELECTRIC TECHNOLOGY Residential Service - Electric Technology Rate
AL Area Lighting Service
A-LM Residential Load Management Service
A-SEASONAL HEAT PUMP Seasonal Residential Service


Residential Service - Time-Of-Use
B-CPT Optional Targeted Service Rate: B-CPT General Service - Coincident Peak Transmission
B-DCFC Optional Targeted Service Rate: B-DCFC General Service - Electric Vehicle Direct Current Fast Charger
B-ES Optional Targeted Service Rate: B-ES General Service - Energy Storage
B-SVA Optional Targeted Service Rider: B-SVA General Svc - Steady Volume Advantage
GS-DF General Service - Dual Feed
IGS-P-TOU Intermediate General Service Primary Time-of-Use
IGS-S-TOU Intermediate General Service Secondary Time-of-Use
LGS-P-TOU Large General Service - Primary Time-of-Use
LGS-S-TOU Large General Service - Secondary Time-of-Use
LGS-ST-TOU Large General Service - Subtransmission Time-of-Use
LGS-T-TOU Large General Service - Transmission Time-of-Use
MGS-P Medium General Service - Primary
MGS-P-TOU Medium General Service - Primary - Time-of-Use
MGS-S Medium General Service - Secondary
MGS-S-TOU Medium General Service - Secondary Time-of-Use
MMI Optional Targeted Service: Maine-Made Incentive General Service - Economic Development Rider
O Temporary Power Rate
PTZ Optional Targeted Service:
Pine Tree Development Zone (PTZ) General Service Economic Development Rider
R Retired Employee Residential Service
R-TOU Retired Employee Residential Service Time-of-Use
SB Standby Service
SGS Small General Service
SGS-TOU Small General Service Time-of-Use
SL Street Lighting Service
W-1 (cancelled) Wholesale Service (cancelled)

Pricing FAQs

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There are five components that make up a delivery price. The PUC separately sets the five pieces that make up our delivery prices.

  1. The distribution piece covers the costs of local power lines, meter readers, and bucket trucks. For most customers, this makes up the majority of their delivery price.
  2. The transmission piece covers the costs of large power lines and substations and is regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
  3. The stranded cost (Public Policy) piece covers costs associated with purchase power agreements to encourage renewable energy, state-mandated low-income assistance programs and energy efficiency programs.
  4. The conservation assessment piece funds energy efficiency initiatives.
  5. The Electricity Lifeline Program (ELP) provides assistance to residential customers who qualify for the Home Energy Assistance Program.

The prices, practices, and level of profitability are regulated primarily by the Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC). The PUC was created by Maine law and began work in 1914. Its three commissioners were nominated by the Governor and confirmed by the Maine Senate.

The Commissioners are assisted by legal, technical, financial and consumer-assistance staff. PUC proceedings use court-like standards of evidence, procedure and decisions that allow opportunities for interested citizens or groups to participate as formal interveners in the process.

Maine Public Service Commission
Office location: 101 Second St. Hallowell, ME 04347
Mailing address: 18 State House Station Augusta ME 04333-0018
Telephone: 207.287.3831

Our transmission prices are determined by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

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