Sample Bill

Sample Bill

Below you'll find a sample bill and explanations of the various parts and how to use them to understand your bill. We also have some services to help you understand and manage your usage in the Smart Energy pages. 

Understanding your monthly electric bill

Let's review the information on your bill to help you understand the amount due.

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A. When is this bill due?

Your amount due and due date can be found here.


B. Is there a prior balance?

Under Your Account Summary on page 1 of your bill, your PRIOR balance or Balance Forward is listed, along with any payments that were received since the last bill was issued. Payments received after the current bill was issued will be reflected on the following month’s bill.


C. What is “Your Messages” on my bill?

The “Your Messages” section on your bill includes important messages about your account and doing business with us. Many of these messages change monthly so we encourage you to review them each month.


D. Why is this line in blue?

The supply charge is in blue to help illustrate that supply charges are not CMP charges. You can learn more information about your supplier on the supplier page of your bill.


E. Where can I find my usage by month?

Your Monthly Usage Summary shows your graphed monthly consumption for this year and the last two years. The table shows your average daily use each month. An asterisk indicates your usage has been estimated.


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F. How many days were in the billing cycle for this bill?

The number of days in the billing cycle may be different from month to month. Review your average daily usage to understand whether an increase or decrease is driven by an actual change in usage or by the number of days in the billing cycle.


G. What is your total delivery charge?

Your delivery charge is the amount you pay CMP to deliver your electricity.


H. Do you need help with your bill?

If you have fallen behind, we offer payment and assistance plans to help you catch up and stay on track. Visit Or call us at 800.750.4000. We want to help.


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I. Who is your supplier?

Review the supplier page of your bill to see who your supplier is. You may choose a Competitive Energy Provider (CEP) or you’ll receive supply from the default Standard Offer Provider. The Standard Offer rate is determined by the Maine Public Utilities Commission annually through a competitive bidding process.


J. Why is supply charged separately?

Your electricity bill has two parts: delivery and supply. CMP is required by statute to include the supply charges on your electricity bill and to pass your payments on to suppliers. CMP delivers your electricity and is prohibited by legislation from generating or supplying electricity.


K. Why is this page blue?

The supplier page includes information about your supplier and the rate they are charging for your electricity. Supplier information can be easily found on
your bill in blue as well as supplier contact information and other information about electricity supply.


L. What is this?

The name of your supplier will be shown here, whether you have chosen a Competitive Energy Provider or if you receive supply from the default Standard Offer Provider. You may shop for a different supplier. Visit the OPA website at to learn more about your options.


M. What are these messages?

These messages include information about your supplier and where to find electricity supply options.


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