Gift Cards

Gift Cards

Give the Gift of Energy

It's the perfect gift for a family member, friend or neighbor.

Here's how it works:

  1. Download the Gift of Energy form
  2. Make out a check or money order payable to CMP for the amount of your gift
  3. Mail the form and gift payment to:
    CMP Gift of Energy
    83 Edison Drive
    Augusta, ME 04336


Note: Please do not include your Gift of Energy with your bill payment. We will process Gift of Energy payments separately. Including a Gift of Energy payment with your bill payment will cause delays.

Mail bill payments to: 

Central Maine Power
PO Box 847810
Boston, MA 02284-7810 

Mail Gift of Energy payments and forms to:

CMP Gift of Energy
83 Edison Drive
Augusta, ME 04336

Your Gift of Energy will appear on a future bill as a credit to the recipient's CMP account.

You can notify the recipient of the gift if you choose - just download our notification form.  Or if you choose to remain anonymous, just let us know by checking the box on the Gift of Energy form.

For more information or to place a Gift of Energy order by phone, call us at 800.750.4000

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