Help With Your Bill

Help With Your Bill

The LIAP year runs through September 30, 2025, and applications will be accepted and processed any time before that date. If you have misplaced your letter from the Maine DHHS, you may still apply for the LIAP through the Maine Public Utilities Commission or through your local Community Action Agency.

We are here to help

 We can help you manage your monthly bill.
Managing your monthly usage can help you reduce the amount of your monthly bill. We have tools that can help you manage your account like Energy Manager and Usage Alerts. And, you can consider using these tips to reduce your energy use while maintaining your comfort.
We also offer SimplePay to help manage seasonal fluctuations in your electricity bill. You can enroll by logging into your account and choose “Manage your preferences” on the left-hand side. From there, turn on your SimplePay preference or call us at 800.750.4000 for assistance.
If you need help with your bill, we want to help, and there are a number of programs designed to meet a variety of needs for you and your family.

Call 2-1-1 for more information

If you or someone you know needs utility or heating assistance, call 2-1-1 if calling from Maine, or call 877.463.6207, or text your zip code to 898-211, or visit for information about services available throughout Maine. 2-1-1 is Maine's 24/7 health and human services information and referral system.

Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)

HEAP provides federal grant money to qualified customers to help pay their heating costs and may also assist with weatherization needs. Contact your local CAA to apply for HEAP.

To qualify for HEAP, your household income must fall within HEAP guidelines.

If you pay court ordered child support, you may be able to deduct the amounts paid from your household's income.­ If your household income is over the HEAP income guidelines, you may be able to deduct a portion of the amount you paid for medical expenses. Visit for financial guidelines.

Electricity Lifeline Program (ELP)

CMP's ELP Program offers qualified customers a credit of up to $1200 annually on their electric bill. The amount of your ELP credit is based on household income and estimated electricity usage. See our ELP fact sheet for more information. Apply for ELP at your local CAA or by returning the DHHS letter you may have received.

Oxygen Pump/Ventilator Assistance Program

Customers who qualify for CMP's ELP may also be eligible to participate in our Oxygen Pump/Ventilator Assistance Program if CMP has a current Lifelight form. This program provides additional bill credits to customers who must use an oxygen pump or ventilator for at least 8 hours per day for health-related reasons. If you've already enrolled in ELP, you must provide the completed Lifelight Certificate of Medical Equipment form to receive this assistance.

Arrearage Management Program (AMP)

The AMP helps qualified customers who are enrolled in HEAP or ELP  reduce their past due balance by as much as $500 each month, as long as current monthly payments are made in full and on time. See our AMP fact sheet for more information and apply for the AMP here.

Friend Alert

CMP’s Friend Alert Third Party Notification service offers you extra peace of mind. A friend, agency or organization you designate will receive a copy of any important notices we may send to you. This may also be helpful if you are helping someone else with their bill, like an elderly parent, friend or neighbor. They can designate you as their Friend Alert. For more information, please call us at 800.750.4000.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Assistance

If you use a telephone (TTY) device in your home, dial 711 and ask the Maine Relay Service operator to contact us at 800.750.4000.

Medical Emergencies

More information

If you are interested in learning more or enrolling in any of these free services, contact us or contact your local CAA.
You can also find more information on other available assistance at, by dialing 211, or texting your zip code to 898-211.

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