CMP Section 1
Reliability Upgrades
As part of our commitment to provide safe, reliable service to all of our customers, Central Maine Power (CMP) is updating its delivery system in your service area. While we are investing in upgrades to meet the community’s energy demands, we are working closely with our neighbors to ensure that all improvements are performed safely and with minimal disruption to your daily lives, the community, and the environment.
Please note: The Section 1 rebuild project is on hold as CMP prepares an application for approval by the Maine Public Utilities Commission as now required under 2019 legislation that also requires a review for non-wires alternatives.
AVANGRID, the parent company of Central Maine Power, recently completed a survey of its transmission system to identify which sections were in need of attention to improve the reliability and safety of its electrical grid.
The 12-mile 34.5kV transmission line section from the Augusta Eastside Substation to structure #230 in Vassalboro will be completely rebuilt as it is in poor condition. The line serves 7,700 customers. Several roadside segments also will be rebuilt. The line also connects McCoy’s and Blair road substations.
The project includes replacing existing poles and cross arms with new wood poles, a new conductor to remove an undersized one, and new optical ground wires.
Attempts are being made to convert pole rights to 100’-wide easement to allow for proper vegetation trimming.
Construction Timeline (No construction schedule is set at this time)
Fact Sheet
To view the Section 1 (Augusta Eastside Substation to structure #230) Rebuild Project Fact Sheet, click here.
For more information or questions
Please contact the Electrical Infrastructure Projects Information Line at 1-888-267-0831 and include the name of the project – Section 1 – with your detailed message. A representative from the project team will return your call within three (3) business days.