Our People

We're very proud to celebrate 125 years of serving Maine!
Meet some of the caring, dedicated people who are passionate about our customers and push CMP to be better every single day. Together, our team of nearly 1,000 employees is working to build a stronger, cleaner electric grid for communities across Maine.

Jason Endsley
Regional Operations Manager
CMP has Service Buildings in communities throughout our service area to make sure we have trucks and staff ready to deploy where they’re needed quickly. Our Regional Operations Managers are our vital, on-the-ground connection to cities and towns across Maine.

Rhonda Yorks
Customer Advocate
Our Customer Service team makes sure anyone with questions about their electricity service can get answers about their account and more. They are always ready to assist Mainers through our Contact Center, our CMP mobile app or online.

Debora Viana da Silva
Senior Project Manager
Our Projects staff are quite literally building Maine’s future. They oversee the construction of electricity infrastructure needed to power Maine and make sure it’s ready to bring electricity to your home or business.

Joe Eon
Our arborists play key roles maintaining electric line right of ways. They lead our Tree Care efforts to prevent outages.

Katie Yates
Community Relations Manager
Being visible in Maine schools, protecting wildlife and participating in community events is part of daily life at CMP. Members of our Community Relations team assist with everything from animal habitat management to leading special programs about being safe around electricity.

Patrick Voit
Key Account Manager
Being present in our communities every day and addressing their electricity needs is an essential part of what we do at CMP. Whether it’s making sure a hospital has the right amount of power or helping a new Maine neighborhood acquire streetlights, we have staff dedicated to these types of community necessities.

Shane McCausland
Shift Supervisor, Distribution Operations
Our Energy Control Center and Distribution Operations Center are vital parts of our organization and are staffed 24/7. They ensure the correct amount of electricity reaches your home safely every minute of every day.

Sisay Desta
Inventory Clerk, Fleet
To maintain CMP’s large number of trucks, we have a Fleet department that ensures they all run smoothly and can respond to your street if needed. Our Fleet team doesn’t just perform mechanical work, it stocks parts for our vehicles and performs regular safety inspections on them too.

Marshall Ripley
Principal Engineer, Distribution Planning
Preparing an electric grid that serves more than 650,000 customers to be resilient to climate change and accommodate new uses requires an enormous amount of planning. Our talented electrical engineers anticipate Maine’s future needs and help shape our grid for the 21st century.

Dave Adams
Line Operations Supervisor
The most visible members of our CMP team are those who maintain and repair our lines. They are highly skilled and always ready to respond to your community if needed.

Kelly Cardillo
Lead Analyst, Finance and Operations Management
Budgeting for infrastructure projects or the fuel needed to operate our trucks requires a dedicated Finance team. They make sure we’re able to provide the safe, reliable power our customers depend on.
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