Service Area

Service Area

Central Maine Power (CMP)

CMP, a subsidiary of AVANGRID, serves approximately 653,170 electricity customers in an 11,000 square-mile service area in central and southern Maine.  Affiliated with Iberdrola SA, AVANGRID owns eight electricity, natural gas or combination utilities in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, and New York. The utilities serve 2.2 million electricity customers, 930,000 natural gas customers, and are recognized for safe, reliable energy delivery, excellent customer service, and a commitment to the community and environment.

Company Profile Sheet

For more information, visit

Map of CMP's Service Territory

Quick Facts

  • Average annual usage per residential customer - kWh: 6,590*
  • System peak demand - MW: 1,716.4**
  • Approximately 25,000 miles of power lines and 280 substations
  • Headquarters: 83 Edison Drive, Augusta, ME 04336
  • Service Centers: Alfred, Augusta, Belfast, Bridgton, Brunswick, Dover, Fairfield, Farmington, Lewiston, Portland, Rockland, Skowhegan

*Based on Rate A customer usage for the period July 2017 through June 2018.

**CMP system largest peak in past 5 years is 1,716.4 on August 7, 2018.

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