Non-Wires Alternatives

Non-Wires Alternatives

Leveraging New Technologies for an Affordable and Resilient Grid

We are committed to exploring innovative Non-Wires Alternatives (NWA) as solutions to traditional electric capital investments where they are viable and cost-effective. An NWA is a project (or portfolio of projects) that defers, avoids, or eliminates a traditional capital investment in the transmission or distribution system through an alternative technology that addresses the same identified need.

Those technologies are known as Distributed Energy Resources (DER). DERs include but are not limited to:

  • Distributed Generation Resources (solar PV, small wind turbines, CHP, etc.)
  • Electric Energy Storage Resources (battery storage, thermal storage, etc.)
  • Demand Response Programs
  • Energy Efficiency Programs
  • Other Resources 


The goal for our NWA program is to build a portfolio of NWA DER projects that are cost effective for customers, provide reliable and resilient alternatives to traditional capital investment projects, provide full cost recovery for our company, and ensuring the health and continuity of our investments and programs. In working towards this goal, we remain focused on complying with regulatory directives while learning from and working collaboratively with stakeholders including the Office of Public Advocate, NWA Coordinator, and Efficiency Maine Trust.

Project Selection and Process

NWA solutions provide the opportunity to improve reliability, explore alternative infrastructure solutions, and contribute to Maine’s Energy Plan: Pathway to 2040. The State of Maine is currently developing its energy plan with the goal of achieving the use of 100% clean energy by 2040. CMP is positioning itself to help the state meet its energy goals. 

Several factors are considered to determine if upcoming distribution and transmission projects are suitable for NWA solutions. CMP reviews all planned projects to determine if they meet the criteria to be considered for an NWA. Projects that are identified as good candidates are analyzed by CMP and the Office of Public Advocate’s NWA Coordinator to determine if there is an NWA that meets the identified need cost-effectively.

If the project is determined to be a viable and cost-effective NWA candidate based on the analysis conducted by both CMP and the NWA Coordinator, the competitive solicitation phase begins. Requests for Proposals (RFP) are then scheduled and responses are reviewed to determine the cost-effectiveness and technical viability of each proposal. Once the winning proposal(s) is selected, contracting with the third-party developer(s) and project construction, measurement and verification follow.

Project Opportunities

There are no open NWA solicitations at this time.

Current Projects

There are no current NWA projects at this time.

Additional Questions?

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