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Energy Manager

Energy Manager

Ever wonder how much electricity you use in a day? Now you can see how much electricity you use day-by-day, hour-by-hour with our free and secure online tool, Energy Manager.

Energy Manager works with your smart meter so you can track your energy usage online. In addition to your electricity consumption you can create a checklist of ways to save and get helpful tips for managing your electricity use. Other innovative features include:

  • View weather data along with usage information
  • Match usage to your billing statement
  • See a breakdown of your usage by category
  • Compare your household's use to households like yours
  • Download your data to your desktop

Billing costs and usage displayed in Energy Manager will match your bill's delivery and supply costs. Costs in Energy Manager do not reflect taxes or fees. In the current billing period for which you have not yet received a bill, Energy Manager shows costs that use your actual usage, and the cost is calculated using standard rates for delivery and standard offer pricing for supply.

Easy to Use

Energy Manager gives you a detailed view of your electricity usage that can help you better understand how you are using electricity in your home. You can set a savings goal, put together a list of actions that you would like to take to reach your goal and see your progress toward your goal each time you log in.

Enroll Any Day and Any Time

We process Energy Manager enrollments every day, even on weekends. For security of your information, when you log on to My Account you will see a message that indicates how long until Energy Manager will be available.

Enroll Now

Please read the Frequently Asked Questions below for additional information.

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Energy Manager gives you a detailed view of your electricity usage that can help you get a better understanding of the way you are using electricity in your home. Energy Manager allows you to set a savings goal, put together a list of actions that you would like to take to reach your goal and shows you the progress toward your goal each time you log in.

Yes, your energy information is communicated over a private, secure connection. While you can compare your energy usage with the average usage of similar households and exchange comments with fellow Energy Manager users, your private information and that of other Energy Manager users cannot be accessed.

Yes, you may choose to bypass the Home Profile during set up. Energy Manager makes some basic assumptions about your home in order to provide a comparison to the average home. More accurate data will be available when you complete your Home Profile. You can set up your home profile at any time through .

You will not be able to see if the power is out at your home. You can sign up for Outage Alerts at  and receive outage alerts via text, email or phone - or all three - if the power goes out. Alerts are free and secure, and you'll even receive an alert when your power is back on.

Yes, you can download your data. Just log in to My Account and select the option "Download My Data" available on the lower right hand side of the screen. Download My Data provides data that includes notations about estimated or missing data. If no interval data is available in Download My Data then you will see a note that the data is missing. Energy Manager fills in any missing data with total usage averaged over missing intervals, and in that way Download My Data and Energy Manager may have slightly different totals. Estimated or missing intervals do not impact your bill. Total usage for billing is calculated based on the difference between the meter reading at the beginning of the bill cycle and a meter reading at the end of the bill cycle.

Yes, you can adjust your goal as often as you'd like. After the original setup process your goal can be changed when logged into .

We process Energy Manager enrollments every day, even on weekends. When you log in to  you will see a message that indicates how long until Energy Manager is available. Data is usually available by 8:00 p.m. the day after you enroll your account in Energy Manager.

Energy Manager uses characteristics about your home, such as home size, heating source and location to compare your electricity usage to similar homes. The average home is the median home in your group.

Energy Manager uses the hourly meter readings from your smart meter to calculate usage by subtracting one hourly meter reading from the next hourly meter reading. If any of the hourly meter reads are missing, Energy Manager averages the electricity usage from the meter readings it does have over the missing intervals. Please note that Energy Manager may display estimated usage for the outage time period. These estimates do not impact your billed amount. You are billed through our billing system, not estimated usage in Energy Manager. To confirm your usage, use the Download My Data feature.

Energy Manager multiplies usage by our electricity delivery costs and the Standard Offer price for supply. If you have selected a competitive electricity provider, your supply costs may be different than what is displayed in Energy Manager. Costs displayed in Energy Manager do not include taxes or additional fees that may appear on monthly bills.

There are several causes of a variation between your bill and the costs displayed in Energy Manager. Costs displayed in Energy Manager may not include taxes or additional fees that may appear on monthly bills. Also, Energy Manager multiplies usage by our electricity delivery costs and the Standard Offer price for supply. If you have selected a Competitive Electricity Provider other than the Standard Offer, your supply costs may be different than what is displayed in Energy Manager.

Data is uploaded each evening for the previous day's usage and usually is not more than two days behind. Occasionally some hourly interval data takes longer to appear in Energy Manager. 

Yes, you will be able to see data from each of your meters.

Yes, you will be able to access all of the accounts on your CMP profile.

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