Interval Usage Web (Commercial)
CMP is pleased to offer easy access to meter data to our large business customers.
In a secure, password protected environment, customers with hourly metering greater than 400 kw can track and manage their energy usage.
Our Interval Usage Web is designed for commercial or industrial customers who want to understand their energy usage and for the energy supplier that will serve them.
Secure, detailed interval load data is presented both numerically and graphically for viewing and downloading:
- Peak Day
- 24 Hour Profile
- Detail Profile
- Daily Totals
- Daily Peaks
- KVA/Power Factor
- Peaks Report
- Statistical Report
- Data Table Report
Technical Specs
Interval UsageWeb requires a browser which supports Java. It works best with Netscape Navigator, version 4.5 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer, Version 5 or higher. Users may download the Users Guide Documentation is provided by UTS, Inc. for the MV-WEB product.
Sample Screens
- Statistics Report: shows usage and demand data broken down by weekday and weekend for a selected date range.
- Daily Totals: graphs the hourly kW demands day-by-day for the selected date range.
- Detail Profile: graphs the hourly kW demands day-by-day for the selected date range.
- Peak Day Graph: finds the peak day in the selected date range and graphs the 15-minute interval kW demands.