

For FERC / Transmission Interconnections related information, please click here.


Maine PUC Chapter 324 / Distribution Interconnections

The Maine Public Utilities Commission has issued rules and procedures for Small Generator Interconnections under Chapter 324.  These rules and procedures establish statewide standards for the interconnection of small renewable energy facilities to the energy grid.  The purpose of these rules and procedures is to increase the efficiency of the interconnection process, encourage the increased use of renewable energy and distributed generation. We have provided links to the forms and agreements that need to be completed in order to begin the process.

For an overview of the requirements, see CMP’s Sch B - Transmission & Distribution Interconnection Requirements for Generation, also known as "The Blue Book". 

Chapter 324

CMP Distribution Generation Interconnections

CMP Distributed Generation - Developer Self Perform PDF

CMP Transmission Services - Ch. 324 Distribution Generation Interconnections

Monthly CMP Interconnections Question and Answer Webinar

Have questions about the Maine PUC Chapter 324 Level 4 interconnection process? Please join us the second Thursday of every month from 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. for our monthly CMP Interconnections Question and Answer Session. The hour begins with a short PowerPoint presentation on the interconnection process, followed by a 45 minute question and answer session for attendees. 

Interested in attending? Just send us an email at and we will forward you a WebEx invitation for the next available Q&A session.

CMP Interconnection Application Request Portal 

Questions? Please contact us:

Forms and Agreements

You can access individual documents below in order to begin the process:

Process Overview by Level

To request additional information concerning the process, please contact 207.629.2356.

Distributed Generation Developers Guide 

The "Distributed Generation Developers Guide: From Interconnection Application to Commission and Energization" is written by DG project managers to provide developers with answers to most of their questions regarding processes.

Net Energy Billing

In-depth Net Energy Billing Information/Application (In order to apply for Customer Net Energy Billing you will need to fill out the required Chapter 313 Application, this is IN ADDITION to the Interconnection)

CMP Hosting Capacity Map

New CMP minimum load requirements effective 1/1/2025

CMP Aggregated Generation Workshop Presentation

CMP Hosting Capacity Presentation

CMP DG Cost Estimate Workshop



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