Report Energy Theft

Report Energy Theft

Energy theft usually involves people tampering with or bypassing CMP’s meter to use electricity without having the usage recorded or billed to them. It may also involve a person using someone else’s electricity without permission or even stealing utility equipment.

Theft of energy or equipment can create dangerous situations for the individual, the general public, emergency responders and utility workers, in addition to violating electrical and natural gas codes.

CMP is committed to protecting our customers, the general public, emergency responders and our employees by watching for and eliminating theft. The added benefit to reducing theft, besides ensuring safety, is reduced cost for all of our customers.

We appreciate our customers telling us whenever they see a suspicious situation – energy theft or even theft of copper or other utility equipment. If you suspect someone is stealing energy or any other equipment, please complete the form below or call us at 1.800.750.4000. All information will be kept confidential. We appreciate your help.

Understand Your Usage

We can also help you understand your usage, which can help you control the amount of your bill. Our Energy Manager and Usage Alerts are two tools that can help you understand the energy you’re using.


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