CMP Gives Lithgow Library $50,000

CMP News

Central Maine Power Company, 83 Edison Drive, Augusta, ME 04336 (207) 622-NEWS 

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Media Contact: Gail Rice (207) 622 NEWS



CMP Gives Lithgow Library $50,000


AUGUSTA, Maine, March 18, 2014  Central Maine Power Company (CMP), a subsidiary of Iberdrola USA, has donated $50,000 to the Lithgow Library Capital Campaign in Augusta. CMP and other community leaders have helped the Friends of Lithgow raise nearly $2.5 million toward a goal of $3 million.


"Education is essential to individual success and the economic health of our communities, and libraries play a key role inspiring people of all ages to expand their knowledge," says Sara Burns, president and CEO of Central Maine Power. "Central Maine Power is proud to support the Friends of Lithgow Library in their mission to expand the library's programs and make the library a vibrant community center for the City of Augusta."


"We are grateful for the support we've received from CMP for this campaign, adds Lithgow Campaign Co-Chair, Wick Johnson. Lithgow is serving record numbers of patrons and attendance at various library programs increases every year. Our library is in danger at the very time that it is most in demand."


CMP, through the Iberdrola USA Foundation, has a long history supporting education initiatives in the communities it serves. The Foundation awards scholarships to students enrolled in energy and environment postgraduate programs, the University of Maine's Electrical Engineering program, and the University of Sothern Maine's Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) program. CMP also has a long history of supporting the Mitchell Institute, which seeks to raise students aspirations and encourage them to pursue a college education. The company also provides an annual donation of award-winning books to elementary schools and libraries throughout its service area, and provides cash and in-kind support to Kennebec Valley Community College's Electrical Lineworker Technology program.


Follow CMP on Twitter.


From left to right: Betsy Pohl, director of Lithgow Public Library; Patty Tardiff and Nicolas Patenaude, members of the
Lithgow Campaign Committee; and Sara Burns, president of Central Maine Power Company.



About Lithgow Library Capital Campaign: Lithgow Public Library opened its doors February of 1896, with funding from Llewellyn W. Lithgow and Andrew Carnegie on the corner of State and Winthrop Streets. A total of $51,850 secured the building and the land for the City of Augusta and Mr. Lithgow's dream of a public library, a beautiful Renaissance Romanesque people's university was realized. For nearly 118 years, the library has graced the City's picturesque historical landscapes and offered adults and children from the community the opportunity to enrich their hearts and minds. The time has come for much needed updates and renovations to preserve its historical home within the City of Augusta. For more information on the Lithgow Public Library or the Lithgow Library Capital Campaign, please visit  OR

About Central Maine Power Company (CMP): Central Maine Power Company, a subsidiary of Iberdrola USA, is Maine's largest electricity transmission and distribution utility. The company delivers about 9 billion kilowatt hours of electricity annually to more than 600,000 homes and businesses, representing about 80% of Maine's annual consumer sales of electricity. The company has been ranked #1 in customer satisfaction six times by J.D. Power and Associates. For more information, visit


About The Iberdrola USA Foundation: In collaboration with Iberdrola USA and Fundacin Iberdrola, The Iberdrola USA Foundation puts energy into what really matters and supports initiatives that enhance the quality of life where Iberdrola USA and its subsidiaries operate. For more information, please visit our website:


About Iberdrola USA: Iberdrola USA is the U.S. subsidiary of global energy leader Iberdrola, S.A. The Iberdrola USA companies employ about 5,000 people with operations in 24 states from New England to the West Coast, providing electricity generation, transmission and distribution, natural gas storage and distribution, and energy services. For more information, please visit our website: Follow us on Twitter: @IberdrolaUSA









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