Power Line Work Will Affect Traffic on Interstate 95 in Waterville

CMP News

Central Maine Power Company, 83 Edison Drive, Augusta, ME 04336 (207) 622-NEWS 

Corporate Communications - corpcomm@cmpco.com 



Release: Immediate  

July 6, 2015



Power Line Work Will Affect Traffic on Interstate 95 in Waterville


CMP project will enhance reliability, serve future growth in Waterville area

AUGUSTA, Maine Central Maine Power Company (CMP), a subsidiary of Iberdrola USA, reports that construction crews will install new utility poles and distribution lines on Main Street in Waterville, near Interstate 95 Exit 130, during the early-morning hours on Wednesday, July 8. This work, part of an upgrade to enhance reliability and serve future growth in Waterville, will affect traffic on Main Street and Interstate 95.
A project to enhance reliability for the Waterville area and prepare the grid for future growth requires us to replace poles and distribution line and install some new equipment,said Gail Rice, CMP spokesperson. Traffic needs to be stopped on the Interstate and along Main Street in order to work safely. We have scheduled this work for the overnight hours to minimize disruption, and appreciate motorists patience and flexibility.


CMP has been coordinating the work with the Maine Department of Transportation, Maine State Police, and the Waterville Police Department.


On the Interstate, State Troopers will use rolling roadblocks to stop traffic near Interstate 95 Exit 130 while utility crews set poles and replace distribution wire. The disruptions, which will last no more than 10 minutes, will affect both northbound and southbound lanes between 12 midnight and 5 a.m. Wednesday.


On Main Street, traffic lights will be disabled and flaggers will control traffic while the work is done.


"This project will leave the Waterville area with a more robust and flexible electric delivery system, said Rice.Best of all, we expect to complete this upgrade with no service disruption to customers."


In case of inclement weather, the work will be done during the same hours Thursday morning, July 9.



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Media Contact:

Gail Rice






About Central Maine Power Company (CMP): Central Maine Power Company, a subsidiary of Iberdrola USA, is Maine's largest electricity transmission and distribution utility. The company delivers about 9 billion kilowatt hours of electricity annually to more than 600,000 homes and businesses, representing about 80% of Maine's annual consumer sales of electricity. J.D. Power and Associates has ranked the company #1 in customer satisfaction seven times. For more information, visit www.cmpco.com.

About Iberdrola USA: Iberdrola USA is the U.S. subsidiary of global energy leader Iberdrola, S.A. The Iberdrola USA companies employ about 5,000 people with operations in 24 states from New England to the West Coast, providing electricity generation, transmission and distribution, natural gas storage and distribution, and energy services. For more information, please visit our website: www.iberdrolausa.com. Follow us on Twitter: @IberdrolaUSA  



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