List of Electricity Outages

List of Electricity Outages

List of Electricity Outages

Learn more about our Power Restoration process.

To obtain outage information for a location, click on the county name to view outages by town in the county then click on the town to view outages by street/road. If your service is out and not listed below, please notify us by reporting an outage.

Electricity Power Outages

In the event of a life-threatening situation, please dial 911.

If your electricity service is out, we encourage you to notify us by reporting an outage. You can also call 800.696.1000 to report an outage.

Based on information from your smart meters, customer reports and field personnel, we predict the outages listed below.

If you use the "back" button on your browser, you may be viewing outdated information. Once you click into a county, use the link titled "Return to Outages By County" to navigate up a level.

Estimated restoration times may change as we work to restore power. Please check back regularly or refresh this page for updates. The term, "Assessing," may appear if we have not yet completed our investigation of repairs that need to be made. Outage information is updated as conditions change and new information is received.

Thank you for visiting Outage Central. During major storm events, view Twitter, Facebook, and our news releases for additional electricity outage information, and to obtain storm preparation and safety tips or generator safety tips. Any weather information, shelter listings or other news can be found on our storm assistance page.

Please remember: Stay away from downed power lines. No line is safe to touch, ever! Also, stay out of flooded basements because energized wiring or outlets may pose a hazard to you.

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