Pole Attachment Services

Pole Attachment Services

Joint Use of Plant (JUOP) provides a single point of contact for Licensed Pole Attachment companies who wish to gain access to Central Maine Power Company (CMP) infrastructure. 

JUOP is responsible for:

  • Attachment agreements
  • Applications for new pole attachments 
  • Applications for conduit occupancy
  • Lease agreements for CMP–owned fiber optic cables
  • Surveys of existing attachments
  • Billing and collections for all the above services

Procedures for installing electric services are outlined in our “Specifications and Requirements for Electric Installations

Please note that attachments for commercial purposes, signs posted by individuals and pole- to-pole banners or decorations are prohibited. 

The potential hazards from unauthorized pole attachments are serious enough that the Maine Legislature has acted on them. Attaching anything to a utility pole without permission of the owner is a civil offense that can draw a fine of up to $100. (The offense, "Trespass on a utility pole," is described in Title 35-A of Maine statutes, Chapter 23, Section 2310.) Any attachments that have not been licensed or are deemed to be unsafe may be disconnected or removed. 

To contact us, email: JointUseOfPlant@cmpco.com

Pole Attachment Installations & Power Supplies

If your project involves the use of utility poles, whether it's to construct a new communications line between buildings or run new fiber optic facilities for a customer, close coordination with CMP's Joint Use of Plant department will help ensure smooth and timely installations.

The Joint Use of Plant department assists in processing and administering agreements that involve the joint use of utility poles and trenches between CMP, telephone, CATV and private companies within our service territory.

In order to attach equipment to poles owned by CMP, a licensee must execute an agreement first by following the steps listed below.

To get started on your pole attachment project:

  • Contact us first to initiate the application process.
  • Complete License Agreements in triplicate.
  • Provide accurate information and other issues critical to your project needs.
    Submit required documents such as the Pole Attachment Survey Sheet and Power Supply/ Misc. Attachment Application, as well as the correct insurance certificates.

Municipal Decorative Temporary Attachments

All decorative temporary attachments to utility poles require Central Maine Power’s prior written approval. Licenses for decorative temporary attachments, such as seasonal lighting and other temporary attachments (flags, banners, etc.), will be issued to municipalities only, without a fee, provided the requirements listed below have been met.

Please note that attachments for commercial purposes, signs posted by individuals and pole- to-pole banners or decorations are prohibited. 

The following outlines the steps to be taken for existing pole attachments or to apply for the installation of new attachments:

  1. Contact Central Maine Power to request an “Application for Decorative Temporary Attachments to Utility Poles” by one of the following methods:
    •    Email JointUseOfPlant@cmpco.com
    •    In Writing:
         Central Maine Power Company
         83 Edison Drive, Augusta, 04336
         Attn:  Joint Use of Plant
  2. Return a completed application to Central Maine Power.
  3. Complete a site inspection with Central Maine Power and applicant or applicant’s representative for review of existing or proposed attachments.
  4. Submit certificate(s) of insurance to Central Maine Power. The applicant and applicant’s contractor must both provide certificates of insurance.  The certificates of insurance shall have the minimum liability limits of $5,000,000 and must designate Central Maine Power as additional insured.
  5. All existing and/or proposed fixtures and/or attachments must not interfere with Central Maine Power’s or any co-owner/user’s (e.g. telephone and cable television) existing or future facilities and/or access to the poles and must comply with Central Maine Power’s current standards, the NESC (National Electrical Safety Code) and the NEC (National Electrical Code).
  6. Upon approval of attachments and receipt of certificates of insurance from the applicant and applicant’s contractor, Central Maine Power will issue a License Agreement.
  7. Return the signed original License Agreement for final execution by Central Maine Power.  The license will contain terms, conditions, provisions and content, and be in the form as deemed necessary by Central Maine Power at its discretion.
  8. Applicant’s receipt of License Agreement executed by Central Maine Power serves as notice of approval of attachments. The applicant or applicant’s contractor may then proceed to install attachments as approved.
  9. This application only applies to the attachments as described wherein and for the term specified.  At the time of expiration, or if new attachments are to be added, a new application must be filed. Current certificate(s) of insurance will be required for the installing contractor as well as the applicant.

Please be aware that many utility poles are jointly owned by both Central Maine Power and the telephone company, and therefore approval for the installation must also be obtained from the telephone company servicing your area before installation is undertaken.  Please contact the appropriate telephone company regarding its policies or requirements for pole attachments.

There is no charge for the License Agreement.  However, if an electrical connection is needed, a connection fee per attachment is required for all new electric services, and the applicant will be responsible for energy usage. 

If you have other pole installation/attachment questions, please feel free to email us at JointUseOfPlant@cmpco.com.

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