CMP Exceeds 2023 Performance Metrics Set by Maine PUC

CMP has published its first Service Quality Index (SQI) Report Card outlining yearly targets for performance set by the Maine Public Utilities Commission

Augusta, ME — May 1, 2024 – Central Maine Power filed its first-ever Service Quality Index (SQI) Report Card with the Maine Public Utilities Commission in April, more than a month before the statutory deadline. In 2023, CMP exceeded MPUC performance standards, which accounted for service performance data collected outside major weather events like Hurricane Lee and the December 18th windstorm.

The report card consists of three components: customer service performance, electric service reliability, and environment and community. The report card can be found HERE. A recent letter from CEO Joe Purington to customers outlining the company’s priorities for 2024 and beyond can be found HERE.

April’s report card was published after the company submitted its Climate Change Protection Plan (CCPP) to the Maine PUC in December. The CCPP serves as CMP’s roadmap for identifying solutions to challenges presented to Maine’s power grid in the face of stronger, more frequent storms. Both reports are the result of LD 1959, An Act Regarding Utility Accountability and Grid Planning for Maine's Clean Energy Future, which was put forward by Gov. Janet Mills and passed by the Maine legislature in 2022.

“Last winter brought some of the worst storms in our company’s history. Yet, in the face of these challenging conditions, our employees remained committed to exceeding the performance metrics set by the Maine PUC for customer service and electric service reliability,” said Joe Purington, President and CEO, Central Maine Power. “We are proud of the progress we continue to make as we invest in a smarter, stronger, and cleaner power grid for our customers.”

The report card components can be defined as follows:

  • Customer service performance: This data illustrates the performance of CMP’s customer service functions such as billing accuracy, meters read, and the handling of customer contact calls. This component of the report card is required by law and does not include major storm events.

    In 2023, CMP exceeded Maine PUC service standards with 99.9% of bills issued accurately within 10 days of the planned billing date and 99.3% of bills based on actual meter reads. More than 85% of calls were answered within 30 seconds or less.
  • Electric service reliability: This data illustrates the performance of CMP’s system for its customers and includes information such as the average amount of time a customer is without power during a single outage. This component of the report card is required by law and does not include major storm events.

    In 2023, CMP beat the Maine PUC service standard for total hours in the year that an average customer was without power by 18%. CMP also beat the service standard for time to restore power by 17%.
  • Environment and community: This data illustrates the impact of CMP’s grid planning and community relations teams. It outlines how we help and serve the hundreds of cities and towns in our service area every day. 

In 2023, CMP invested more than $300 million in the grid and connected more than 240 MW of renewable energy. CMP employees also volunteered more than 2,200 hours to local organizations.

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Media Contact:

Jon Breed

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