CMP Report to MPUC: Electric Vehicle Program Participants Saved Money, Cut Emissions

CMP News

Central Maine Power Company, 83 Edison Drive, Augusta, ME 04336 (207) 622-NEWS 

Corporate Communications - 



Release: Immediate  

August 13, 2015



CMP Report to MPUC:
Electric Vehicle Program Participants Saved Money, Cut Emissions



AUGUSTA, Maine  Central Maine Power Co., a subsidiary of Iberdrola USA, reports that participants in its program promoting use of plug-in electric vehicles, or PEVs, have saved thousands of dollars in fuel costs and cut greenhouse gas emissions by more than 50 tons. The utility summarized its findings in its final program report to the Maine Public Utilities Commission (MPUC).



Since the program was launched in 2013, the utility has awarded grants totaling nearly $200,000 to 22 organizations to help with the purchase or lease of a PEV and/or to install charging stations. CMP's program added 18 PEVs to Maine roads and put charging stations in key locations around Greater Portland.



The Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG) was happily the first grant recipient of the CMP program. We used our grant funding to lease an all-electric Nissan LEAF and install two charging stations at our Portland office, said Jennifer Puser Brennan, GPCOG director of Special Projects. GPCOG allowed its members and stakeholders to take the vehicle for up to a week at a time to experience the technology first hand. As a result, five municipalities in Cumberland County now have PEVs in their fleets and a number of charging stations have been installed at public buildings.



"It has been exciting to watch our program participants embrace PEV technology and enjoy the benefits that go along with it," said Sara J. Burns, president and CEO of Central Maine Power. "Our parent company, Iberdrola, is one of Europe's leading supporters of electric vehicles. We share that commitment by including PEVs in our own fleet, and we plan to add more in the future.



Two Chevy Volts at CMP are among more than 80 passenger PEVs/hybrids in Iberdrola USA's fleet. The company also has 13 hybrid bucket trucks in its three utility operating companies in Maine and New York. In September of 2014, Iberdrola USA announced an agreement with the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) to spend a portion of its annual fleet acquisition budget on PEVs and equipment.



Reduced fuel costs, lower emissions


The non-profit organizations, municipalities, and Maine businesses participating in CMP's program purchased and leased a broad range of PEV models. According to data collected from October of 2013 through July of 2015:


  • Vehicles in the program logged an average fuel consumption equivalent to 90 miles per gallon;
  • The average daily travel distance for vehicles in the program was just under 48 miles (suburban and rural commuters in the U.S. travel an average of between 30 to 37 miles per day);
  • Participants operated the vehicles in electric mode approximately 64 percent of the time;
  • Program vehicles used 4,684 fewer gallons of gasoline than traditional vehicles, saving about $9,959 in fuel costs;
  • Greenhouse gas emissions were cut by more than 50 tons.


Charging equipment installed through the CMP program includes Nissan DC Quick Charge stations and Level 2 chargers at the Fore Street parking garage in Portland and at the South Portland Community Center, all of which are available for public use.



Future of PEVs and charging technology



While CMP's original PEV program has concluded, it does not mark the end of the utility's support for PEVs and related technology.



The Iberdrola USA Foundation recently awarded $50,000 to the Greater Portland Council of Governments to support installation of more PEV charging equipment. Additionally, CMP is preparing to announce which non-profit organizations will receive matching funds it had made available for the purchase of PEVs or charging infrastructure.



Finally, the 127th Maine Legislature enacted, with CMP's support, L.D. 593, An Act To Allow the Resale of Electricity by Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. The new law takes effect this fall and allows electric vehicle charging station hosts to recover the cost of electricity PEV operators use at their facilities.



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Jennifer Puser Brennan of the Greater Portland Council of Governments shows off the Nissan Leaf GPCOG leased through CMP's PEV grant program.


The City of South Portland purchased this DC Quick Charger from Nissan with help from CMP's PEV grant program. The charger at the South Portland Community Center is available for public use.




Media Contact:

Gail Rice




About Central Maine Power Company (CMP): Central Maine Power Company, a subsidiary of Iberdrola USA, is Maine's largest electricity transmission and distribution utility. The company delivers about 9 billion kilowatt hours of electricity annually to more than 600,000 homes and businesses, representing about 80% of Maine's annual consumer sales of electricity. J.D. Power and Associates has ranked the company #1 in customer satisfaction seven times. For more information, visit

About Iberdrola USA: Iberdrola USA is the U.S. subsidiary of global energy leader Iberdrola, S.A. The Iberdrola USA companies employ about 5,000 people with operations in 24 states from New England to the West Coast, providing electricity generation, transmission and distribution, natural gas storage and distribution, and energy services. For more information, please visit our website: Follow us on Twitter: @IberdrolaUSA  




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