Commercial Use

Commercial uses include communication facilities, pipelines, parking lots, and roads for subdivisions

The Property Management Department receives requests for corridor uses and determines if the use is allowed. We prepare a Transmission R/W Request form internally based on a Transmission R/W Request Initiation form and route it to interested and responsible departments for further investigation into the requested use and to provide a coordinated approach to managing corridors.

Who to contact

Central Maine Power
Energy Land Management
83 Edison Drive
Augusta, ME 04336


For more information, please review the following:

Processing Charges

The purpose of the processing charge is to reimburse CMP for examining requests to determine if the proposed use is compatible with our operational concerns. Processing charges are non-refundable but the base processing charge will be applied against the value of the conveyance in situations where we convey property rights as part of the transaction. We will charge processing fees as indicated on our Corridor Use Table.

When a requestor is interested in acquiring rights from us, there are no processing charges for determining ownership rights or for meeting once on site with the requestor, to define the request. We must receive the processing charges before a request is formally initiated or promptly after the initial site visit, whichever comes first.

In addition, requests that require engineering design, change of plant (raise or relocate poles and conductors), significant legal or real estate time, or other substantial time or effort on our part, will be set up on a billing work order and charged to the requestor on an actual cost basis. These charges are not to be applied against the eventual conveyance charge in situations where property rights are conveyed.


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