Communication Sites

Our Communication Towers

We own 21 communication towers ranging from 50 to 330 feet in height, located throughout our service territory. To the extent it does not appreciably impede or affect current or future utility operations, it is our current policy to accept and evaluate requests to co-locate on our communications towers. Such approval will be in writing in the form of a license or lease and will be based on specific written plans and specifications. Pricing will be market based.

New Tower Sites

We own an extensive electric transmission line network, commercial properties, undeveloped land and other physical assets that may be suitable for communications facilities or towers. To the extent it does not appreciably impede or affect current or future utility operations, it is our current policy to accept and evaluate requests to develop communications facilities on our existing structures, corridors, or land.


General information regarding transmission line corridors may be obtained by sending an email to our Energy Land Management office at

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