MEPCO Transmission Services

Maine Electric Power Company, Inc. (MEPCO) and Central Maine Power Company (CMP) own and operate most of the 345 kV backbone transmission network in Maine.  MEPCO owns one of the 345 kV lines between the New Brunswick border and Maine Yankee.  Additionally, CMP owns and operates transmission in central and southern Maine, west of the Bangor area; Versant Power owns and operates most of the lower voltage transmission from the Bangor area to Aroostook County and a 345 kV line between the New Brunswick border and Orrington, Maine. Maine Public Service Company (MPS) owns and operates the lower voltage transmission in Aroostook County. For more information about the MEPCO transmission system, see our system information .

This is not an OASIS site. This site is designed to provide information about the MEPCO transmission system, and serve as a guide for acquiring transmission service from MEPCO. Here visitors can download copies of MEPCO's Open Access Transmission Tariff, Transmission Service Agreements, and view a listing of transmission System Studies. Visitors interested in MEPCO's Standards of Conduct or in making transmission reservations on the MEPCO system must do so on MEPCO's OASIS.

Obtain Transmission Service

To obtain Transmission Service, customers must contact:

    Transmission Services
    Maine Electric Power Company
    83 Edison Drive
    Augusta, ME 04336


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