Notarized Application

Application for Electric Service

  • To begin service in your name, please download and complete this Application for Electric Service, have it notarized and return it to us.
  • Once the Application for Electric Service has been notarized, you may fax it to us at 207.629.2196 or email a copy to  Please include "Application for Service" in the subject line to avoid delays in processing.
  • After we review your application, we will contact you.  If you have any past due bills, you will need to pay the past due amount in full or agree to a payment arrangement.  A security deposit may also be required.
  • A Notary Public can often be found at your town office, credit union or bank, or you may call 207.624.7752 to find a Notary in your area.  You will need proof of identification in the form of a picture ID when you meet with the Notary.

If you have any questions, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

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