Planting Tips

Proper selection and placement of trees can eliminate potential hazards and improve the appearance of your property. For your convenience and safety:

  1. Plan ahead so tree trimming can be minimized in the future.
  2. Don't plant trees directly underneath power lines or too close to electric facilities.
  3. Consider planting dwarf trees or shrubs that won't grow tall enough to threaten power lines. Ask your local nursery to suggest appropriate tree species.

Planting a tree instructions

  1. Make a hole five times the diameter of the root ball
  2. Never have the stem covered with soil
  3. Position tree perpendicular in the ground
  4. Water thoroughly
  5. Mulch with wood chips, bark, leaf mold and other organic matter

Follow the 50/50 rule by planting trees that grow to 50 feet tall, more than 50 feet away from power lines. Examples: pine, fir, spruce, maple, birch and ash.

More information on planting trees and shrubs:

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