Tree Trimming in Your Area

Tree Care is an important part of our efforts to deliver the reliable electricity delivery service you depend on. Because protecting the health of your trees is important, our contractors use techniques sanctioned by the Tree Care Industry Association. We understand that you may want to be personally consulted before our contractors prune trees along roads that border your property. 


If you would like to be consulted, please write to CMP, Vegetation Management Department, 83 Edison Drive, Augusta, ME 04336. Include your name, street address and your CMP account number. You will be placed on a permanent list and will be contacted whenever we are pruning adjacent to your property, except in emergency conditions. You can also fill out an online form here.


There are a variety of tree care services that Central Maine Power provides throughout their service territory. To see when your residence is on the schedule for maintenance cycle trim please click here. Other services we provide are pruning and removing trees for Enhanced Tree Trimming programs, Hazard Tree removals, customer requests, municipality requests.  

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