Tree Trimming and Distribution Lines

Distribution Lines

Living in America’s most forested state is incredibly special but also presents challenges. Tree Care is an important part of our maintenance plan to reduce the impact to our customers of tree-related outages.

Six-Year Maintenance Cycle for Power Reliability

As part of our Tree Care Program, we are establishing a new six-year tree trimming cycle (2024 – 2029) to reduce tree-related outages in the communities we serve. We will prune trees along every mile of our distribution lines every six years – that’s more than 24,000 miles of wires!

To deliver reliable power to you, we prune branches that could interfere with power lines. In addition to improving power reliability, we trim to provide a safe environment for the public and other utility workers. Our licensed arborists coordinate with qualified tree crews as well as local towns to make sure the job is done right. Our recommended trim zone around distribution lines is generally 8 feet to either side of the conductors, as well as 15 feet overhead, unless additional trim is needed to protect the lines. On our 3 phase infrastructure, we recommend Enhanced Tree Trimming, which removes all branches over the lines. For all of our lines, shrubs and small ornamental trees growing under the lines that don’t come within 10’ of the primary are permitted to stay on site. 

Hazard tree program

Our hazard tree program focuses on trees that may cause an outage even if they are outside of our maintenance zone. Most of the tree caused outages are the result of trees that are beyond our maintenance specifications. We work with towns and property owners to address these vegetation issues that could impact customer’s power reliability.

Pruning trees – includes removing vegetation encroaching on the distribution power lines. This could be an area where branches grow rapidly due to a variety of environmental conditions and require additional off cycle pruning. We also trim long limbs above the lines and limbs that are, dead, dying, diseased or structurally weak. 

Removing trees – includes dead, dying, diseased and leaning trees outside of cycle maintenance zone. We remove trees that may interfere with the power lines or have compromised root systems, structural defects or a heavy lean toward the lines.

Did you know?

Forty-one percent of non-storm related outages are caused by trees. Over 94% of these trees are outside of CMP’s maintenance zone and come from private property. Our Hazard Tree Programs and Enhanced Tree Trimming over our 3 phase are designed to help reduce tree related power outages.

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