VIDEO: CMP, USDA and MDIFW Install Beaver Fence in Berwick

This device prevents road flooding, ensures reliable access to CMP transmission lines, homeowner access to residences and builds on CMP’s tradition of promoting wildlife conservation and forest ecosystems in Maine. 

BERWICK, ME — October 5, 2023 — A months-long effort between Central Maine Power, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) to prevent road flooding caused by beaver dams has reached its conclusion.

This past Tuesday, a team from USDA installed a device known as a “bever fence” on a road owned by CMP that provides access to both transmission line right of ways and area homes. This follows a site analysis conducted by MDIFW. 

The device will prompt wildlife to build dams elsewhere, leaving a culvert the fence surrounds protected from obstruction to prevent subsequent flooding.

“It’s tremendous, this has been a time-consuming issue,” said Joe Chambers, one of the Berwick homeowners who accesses a residence using the CMP-owned road.

“Finding solutions like this that can ensure reliable power, protect access for homeowners, and protect wildlife all at once is a very rewarding part of the work we do at CMP,” said Greg Thompson, Community Relations Manager for Central Maine Power. “We have regular conversations with state and federal agencies like MDIFW and USDA which help us make projects like this a success, and we appreciate their support.”

This fence installation builds on other efforts by CMP’s Community Relations team to support Maine wildlife. For example, we regularly work with high school students to build homes and platforms for osprey and bluebirds, which have been placed at dozens of locations across CMP’s service territory. Initiatives like these allow birds to co-exist and thrive alongside our electrical infrastructure.

Below are video sequences for news media capturing the assembly and installation of the beaver fence on Tuesday, 10/3/2023. 

Assembly of the beaver fence by USDA and CMP transmission line road provides access to

Culvert work that was part of fence installation 

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