Winter Storm Elliott Restoration Update from CMP President Joe Purington 7 pm 12_25

7:00 pm

We have made significant progress, restoring power to nearly 30,000 customers overnight last night, and our nearly 2,000 field workers have continued to make great progress today. We have now restored more than 275,000 customers since Friday evening. With fewer than 25,000 customers still without power, we are now at the point of restoration where it requires similar resources and time to make the repairs to restore a handful of customers or even a single customer as it does to restore hundreds or thousands. Additional restoration crews have arrived today to assist in our efforts, and more crews will be arriving tomorrow.

We will continue to work 24 hours a day until every customer is restored. Through tonight and tomorrow we will continue to make significant progress in our restoration efforts. As crews get onsite for repairs, estimated times of restoration will be updated. We will be working through the end of day Tuesday to restore the vast majority of customers in the hardest hit areas.

We know going through the holiday without power is very hard. I have been humbled over the past two days by the outpouring of good wishes from our customers for our crews, and the spontaneous support from company families and friends who have cooked and delivered meals - even as many of them still had no power today. We are grateful. To me, this reflects the generous spirit of Mainers and how we all help each other in tough times.

From all of us here at Central Maine Power, we wish you a very happy holiday season and we thank you for your support and patience.


Joe Purington
President and CEO, CMP

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