Welcome to Central Maine Power!

Welcome to Central Maine Power!

Whether you're a new, returning or current customer, we're happy to serve you.

To turn on existing service, please call our customer contact center at 800.750.4000.

Please take a moment to read our CMP Welcome Booklet with important information for our customers.

If you need to install new service with us, or make changes to your existing service, please refer to our list below to get started.

We are committed to providing exceptional customer service to all of our customers — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You can count on us.

Not only do we deliver safe, reliable electricity, we make it easy to do business with us as well. We offer a variety of programs and services that are convenient and easy to use.

From payment options including  eBill and AutoPay, to online tools such as our savings calculator and self-service options, we have you covered. Take advantage of all we have to offer by logging in to our secure My Account area. You’ll need a User ID and password – if you don’t have one you can create one in a few easy steps.

Information for Your Electricity Delivery Service

Delivery rates are approved by the Maine Public Utilities Commission.  For bills that cover both electricity supply and CMP delivery, CMP forwards energy-supply payments to the appropriate energy provider.  For a schedule of CMP delivery rates, call 800.750.4000.

CMP's Delivery Role Under Maine Law

The State of Maine changed the electricity-utility business as of March 1, 2000.  The law now separates electric supply from its delivery.  You may choose a competitive energy provider, or automatically take energy from the Standard Offer provider.  CMP no longer generates electricity.  We operate the system that delivers your electricity, and we service your account.


To ask a question or dispute a bill, you can call 800.750.4000, send us an email, or write to CMP Customer Service at 83 Edison Drive, Augusta, ME  04336.

Planning a Move?

If you are planning a move and would like to end service, we make it easy for you. Simply use our convenient Ending Service form.

Payment Arrangements

If you have trouble paying your bill, a payment plan may help. Call 800.750.4000 for more information or learn more about available assistance programs.

Late Payment Charge

Bills are due on receipt. A late payment charge will be applied to any overdue balance. The amount of the late payment charge is established by the MPUC.

Report a Power Outage

Use our online form or call 800.696.1000. In a major storm an automated system may be used to manage outage calls.

Sales-Tax Exemption

Maine sales tax does not apply to the first 750 kilowatt-hours (KWH) of residential usage.

What's a kilowatt-hour?

Electric power is measured in watts. 1,000 watts of power used for one hour is a kilowatt-hour (kWh) of energy. Example: a 100 watt bulb lit for 10 hours uses one kWh of energy.

Estimated Bills

When we cannot read your meter, we will estimate your usage for  the month.  You have the right to read your own meter. Call us at 800.750.4000 for more information.

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