System Studies

System studies are listed in descending order by date.

  • February, 2007 Central Maine Power (CMP) and Maine Public Service (MPS) have agreed to jointly study the feasibility of a new power transmission line that would directly connect the Aroostook County power grid to the rest of the state.
  • October, 2006 NOTICE - CMP has begun a bulk power system study of its 345 kV and 115 kV system.

   Questions? For a copy of any study, please contact:

    Manager, System Planning
    Central Maine Power Company
    83 Edison Drive
    Augusta, ME 04336

FERC Order No. 889 requires that Transmission Providers post a list of "System planning studies or specific network impact studies performed for customers to determine network impacts" on the OASIS. Copies of the listed studies must be provided in electronic format upon request, at cost. Studies must be kept for 2 years.


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