Land Use And Access

Land Use And Access

Real Estate and Right-of-Way

Our power line corridors are often used for many recreational and commercial uses. If you have any questions regarding the possible uses and use limitations on CMP-owned power line corridors, please review the information below or  contact us

Recreational Uses

Our power line corridors corridors are generally open to the public for a variety of recreational activities Find out more

Wood Harvesting

We want to ensure that any wood harvesting work conducted on or near our corridors are performed in a safe manner.  Find out more

Non-Commercial Uses

You can request to use our corridors for private driveways, gardens, lawn, or pasture.  Find out more

Commercial Uses

Check with us to see whether your proposed use is compatible with our operations. Commercial uses include communication facilities, pipelines, parking lots, and roads for subdivisions. Find out more

Power Line Corridors

We work to maximize the use of our real estate infrastructure for the benefit of our customers and the Maine economy. If you have any questions regarding the possible uses and use limitations on our power line corridors, please contact us .

Transmission System

Learn more about our extensive network of transmission lines and power line corridors.  Find out more

Communication Sites

We accept and evaluate requests to co-locate on our communications towers.  Find out more


This glossary defines the types of agreements that govern the possible uses of our corridors.  Find out more

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